Composition; Cornmeal Gluten Free, Vegan, Egg Free, Lactose FreeNUTRITION FACTS (100g) Total Fat 0.15g Saturated Fat 0g Trans Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 0mg Total Carbohydrate 24.7g Dietary Fiber 0.6g Total Sugars 0g Protein 0.9g Vitamin D 0mg Calcium 5.1 mg Iron 0.36 mg Potassium 14.4 mgAllergens; there is noSTORAGE; Store in cool and dry conditions
Ingredients: Corn starch, rice flour, corn flour, potato starch, thickener (xanthan gum), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, niacin B3, pantothenic acid B5, Vitamin B6, riboflavin B2, thiamin B1, folic acid B9, Vitamin B12.Minerals: Classium (Ca), Iron (Fe)Energy and nutritional value per 100 g cake prepared according to the recipe Energy: 251 kcal/1050 kJ Fat: 0.7 g Carbohydrate: 59.5 g Sugar: 4.97 g Fiber: 2.1 g Protein:...
Ingredients: Corn starch, rice flour, corn flour, potato starch, thickener (xanthan gum)Vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin B3, pantothenic acid B5, vitamin B6, riboflavin B2, thiamin B1, folic acid B9, Vitamin B12. Minerals: Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe).Storage conditions: Store in a cool, dry, odor-free place away from sunlight.Energy and nutritional value of 100 g of bread prepared according to the recipe Energy: 251 kcal/1050 kJ Fat:...
Ingredients: Corn starch, rice flour, corn flour, potato starch, thickener (xanthan gum), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, niacin B3, pantothenic acid B5, Vitamin B6, riboflavin B2, thiamin B1, folic acid B9, Vitamin B12.Minerals: Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe) SWashing conditions: Store in a cool, dry, odor-free place away from sunlight.Energy and nutritional value of 100 grams of lavash prepared according to the recipe Energy: 251 kcal/1050 kJ...
Tərkibi: Qarğıdalı nişastası, düyü unu, qarğıdalı unu, kartof nişasta, qatılaşdırıcı (ksantan saqqızı)
Lavas çörəyi resepti: Su və duz əlavə edərək xəmiri hazırlayın. İsti teflon tavada düzəldilir və bişirilir. Maya və Fermentasiya vaxtına ehtiyac olmadan hər səhər 5 Çörəyiniz bir neçə dəqiqəyə hazırdır
Enerji və qida maddələri (100 q)
Enerji 349,5 kkal/1463,3 kj
Karbohidrat 82,2 q
Protein 1,5 q
Yağ 1,1 q
Ingredients: BuckwheatEnergy and nutrients (100 g) Energy 335.3 kcal/1403.8 kj Carbohydrate 71 g Protein 12.3 g Fat 2.8 g Fiber 10.7 g Iron ) 2.5 gBuckwheat bread recipe: Beat the egg in a mixer until frothy. Oil, molasses, water, salt, baking powder are added and mixed, then flour is added and dough is prepared.
Naturpy Orqanik Tam Buğda Unu 500 qTərkibi: Orqanik tam buğda unuAllergen: Gluten varEnerji və qida maddələri 100 q enerji (kj/kkal)1428/340
Yağ 2,5
Karbohidrat 72
Protein 13
Lif 11
Xolesterin 0
Kalium 363
Kalsium 34